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Kapteeni - Yyteri Beach

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I rent a cottage for the weekend?

Yes you can. B, and C seasons (Spring, Fall, and Winter). In the A-season (mid-June – mid-August) the cottages are rented for the beginning, end, or the whole week.

Can I rent sheets or towels?

You can rent bed linen either in advance when booking your cottage or on site.

Is there a charge for using the hot tub?

Yes, you can rent a hot tub on a daily basis, either in advance when booking your cottage or on site. The hot tub usage fee includes a certain amount of briquettes and water per day. In addition to one heating session, you can purchase extra briquettes for all-day heating.

Can more people go to the cottage than it says in the cottage description?

The resort may not be used by more than the number of beds and extra beds.

Can I go to the cottage with the caravan? Can I set up a tent?

The use of a tent or caravan on the site without the permission of Yyteri Beach Resort is prohibited.

Can I take a pet to the cottage?

You get other cabins except allergy cabins (1,10,14,22,27 and Captain’s Villa). Pets are charged a separate cleaning fee of EUR 40.00. Pets brought in without permission are subject to a surcharge of EUR 75.00 per pet per day.

Does the cottage have a barbecue?

Some properties have a gas grill for rent. You can rent a gas grill either in advance when booking your cottage or on site. One rental includes 5 kg of liquefied petroleum gas.

Is the hot tub preheated?

No, normally the customers heat the hot tub themselves.

Where can I get the keys to the cottage?

Keys can be collected from Yyteri Beach Resort’s reception on the day of arrival from 16:00 to 17:00. If the arrival time differs from this, the handover of the keys must be agreed with the reception 2-3 days before the start of the accommodation. At Reposaari villas and Villa Malspiiki, the keys can be found in the key box on site. Instructions are available at the time of booking.

What time can I go to the cottage? How long can I stay?

The property is available from 16:00 on the day of arrival until 12:00 on the day of departure.

What if I need more briquettes or other additional services?

Additional services such as linen, briquettes and a gas bottle can be purchased at reception during opening hours.

What do I do at the end of my vacation, do I clean the cottage myself?

The customer is responsible for cleaning the property during the rental period and is obliged to clean the property upon departure.

If the cottage has problems, who do I contact?

Holiday village reception Mon-Fri 11 am-5pm (June, July, August weekends by arrangement) pp. 044-7272251

Outside reception hours, send a text message. An attempt will be made to return the message immediately and the problems will be addressed the next day at the latest.

Situation on call 24/7 The emergency service is for guests only. You can find the emergency number in the Accommodation folder. The emergency telephone is only for acute problems. (No late briquette / extra service orders)

Meri-Porin Talohuolto 24 / 7h

General electricity, Main water / sewerage pp. 050-3612928